Friday, September 28, 2012

African Kanga Compositions

Third Grade Art Lesson
3 Class Periods

African Kanga Compositions, Third Grade Lesson

  • Students were presented with a power point presentation on African Culture.  As a class we discuss the geography of Africa and went over various facts about the continent.  Other topics discussed:  clothing, jewelry, arts and crafts, animals, crops, trade and clan life.

Day 1:

1.  Students began this lesson by drawing compositions of three people carrying baskets with a pencil.  Students were asked to outline pencil with sharpie marker.

Day 2:

1.  Students incorporated designs and patterns on the Kanga style outfits. 
2.  Burlap was used to create baskets for each figure in the composition.
3.  Students were able to add fruits or vegetables to each basket if they wanted.

Day 3:

1.  Students were instructed to color compositions  with chalk pastels.
2.  Pieces were sprayed with a fixative to prevent chalk from smearing.

Students coloring compositions with chalk pastels.

Examples of Student Artwork:

Color Mixing Gustav Trees


Kindergarten Art Lesson
3 Class Periods
Color Mixing Gustav Trees, Kindergarten Lesson

About the Artist Studied:

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) was a painter from Austria who loved to incorporate patterns, design and gold paint into his artworks.  As a class we examined and discussed one of Gustav's more famous paintings The Tree of Life.

Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt.

Photograph of Gustav Klimt.

Day 1:

1.  Read books Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh and White Rabbit's Color Book by Alan Baker to students.  Discuss primary and secondary colors as you read the story.

2.  Have students use only primary colors to paint a sky for their compositions.

Day 2:

1.  Review with students primary and secondary colors.

2.  Using follow along demonstration have students paint a tree in the style of Gustav Klimt.

Students painting Gustav Klimt inspired trees.

Day 3:

1. Share basic information with students on life and works of Gustav Klimt.  Examine his painting Tree of Life.  Discuss how it is similar to their own tree painting.

2. Have students use circles of various colors and sizes to decorate tree.  Explain how these circles become a repeated pattern within their artwork.  Have student's incorporate gold circles, too!  Remind them how much Gustav loved to paint with gold.

Examples of Student Artwork:




Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rousseau Jungle Prints

First Grade Art Lesson
3 day lesson
Rousseau Jungle Prints, First Grade Example (Lion)

Artist Studied:  Henri Rousseau (1844-1910).  Rousseau  is a French artist who painted many jungle themed pieces.  He is considered a self-taught artist. As a class we discussed how hard it was for Henri to be accepted in the painting world due to the fact he painted so differently from the other artists at that time who had formal instruction.  We talked in depth about two of Rousseau's more famous pieces The Sleeping Gypsy and Tiger in a Tropical Storm.

Self-Portrait by Henri Rousseau.  1890.

The Sleeping Gypsy by Henri Rousseau.  1897.

Tiger in a Tropical Storm by Henri Rousseau.  1891.

Day 1:

  • Share with students a brief biography of Henri Rousseau.
  • Have students draw a jungle animal on paper.
  • After idea is approved, students should transfer idea to a printing plate (in this case a piece of Styrofoam).
Student drawing a jungle animal on printing plate.
Day 2:

  • Demonstrate to students the proper printmaking techniques.  Printmaking vocabulary was discussed through demonstration (brayer, baren, printing plate, burnish).
  • Have students create three prints.  Make sure students label the back of each print with their name and order of print (first, second, third).
Student inking a printing plate.

Day 3:

  • Pass back all the prints from the class before.  Show students how to label each print.
  • Have a mini art critique.  Students should examine their artwork.  Which print turned out best?  What makes it better than the rest?  What could they do to improve thier print?  How does the print differ from their very first animal drawing on day 1 of this lesson?
  • Have students mount their best art piece on black construction paper.

More Examples of Students Work:

Rousseau Jungle Print, Elephant
Rousseau Jungle Print, Giraffe
Rousseau Jungle Print, Mosquito
Rousseau Jungle Print, Lion
Rousseau Jungle Print, Cheetah
Rousseau Jungle Print, Toucan
Rousseau Jungle Print, Snake
Rousseau Jungle Print, Cheetah
Rousseau Jungle Print, Toucan
Rousseau Jungle Print, Elephant
Rousseau Jungle Print, Gator

Rousseau Jungle Print,  Cheetah


Friday, September 14, 2012

Pieces of the Puzzle

Pieces of the Puzzle, Fifth Grade Art Lesson
 "A line is a dot that decided to go for a walk." - Paul Klee.
For this lesson, student examined the Element of Line.  Students learned that there are five different types of line: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved and zigzag.  As a class we discussed how to vary line (thick, thin, dashed, dotted, etc.)  We finally discussed how lines can convey an emotion (angry, sad, happy).
Pieces of the Puzzle
2 to 3 class periods
Day 1
1.  Have students tape random puzzle pieces to a piece of paper.
2.  Have students outline each puzzle piece with a pencil.
3.  After pieces are outline with a pencil have students splatter red paint over the composition.  The puzzle pieces will create a resist.
4.  Allow to dry.
Day 2
1.  Have students carefully remove puzzle pieces from paper.
2.  Discuss the element of line.  Students should know the five types of line, how to vary a line and that a line can create an emotion.
3.  Have students use a black sharpie marker to draw different types of lines within each puzzle piece.  This step may take an additional day depending on the length of your class period.