Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In Art I Can...

I have my "I Can..." statements presented on a dry erase board.  Placing magnets on the back allows me to move them around with ease and to pull them off quickly if they are needed for closer viewing. Using a dry erase marker makes it easy to change the statements with a swipe.  I try to underline vocabulary that is relevant to the lesson and double underline or place a box around the artist being discussed.

My "I Can..." statements are left up for the entire lesson.  I do not change the statement day to day. With seeing multiple sections of the same grade on different days, I find it much easier to list all the statements for the entire project versus changing it every day.

Do you display "I Can..." statements in your classroom? What are ideas that work for you?

1 comment:

  1. This looks really nice! You really put everything together so well, Mrs. Allen!
