Friday, November 13, 2020

Love Monster

 Kindergarten Art Lesson

1 class period (50 minutes)

Love Monster, Kindergarten Art Lesson

I begin this lesson by reading the story Love Monster by Rachel Bright to the students.  As I read the story, I have them pay close attention to what Love Monster looks like.  After the story is read, we discuss what Love Monster the things they noticed.

Step 1:  Drawing Love Monster

I have construction paper cut in 12 x 12 inch pieces in various colors (red, blue, orange, green, violet, etc.). Students choose the color they would like their Love Monster to be.

I demonstrate to students how to draw a large arc on their paper using their pencil. Two pointy triangle ears are added.  I have students erase where the ears and the arc connect.  

For this next step, I use a circle stencil to help create the eyes.  I find a Pringle's chip lid works perfect for this.
When we draw the mouth, I give students a choice of happy, sad or a serious face.  Teeth are added to the mouth.  I try to encourage students to draw large, since we will be painting the teeth.

Now for the last detail:  Love Monster's heart.  Using a pink or red oil pastel, we color in the heart.  The heart is then outlined with a black oil pastel.

Step 2:  Painting the white areas.

Using white liquid tempera paint, I demonstrate to students how to hold their brush to have more control as they paint.  I show them how to paint the eyes and teeth white.

When most of the students are done, share the following video Love Monster and The Last Chocolate with them or read another Love Monster Story to the class.  This will allow the white paint a bit of time to dry.  You could also divide this project into a two day lesson.  

Step 3:  Outlining with black paint and creating hair.

Using black liquid tempera paint, I demonstrate to students how to outline their Love Monster to make him pop out more on the paper.  We also add a pupil in the each eye and eyebrows.

Taking a tiny piece of mat board, I show students how to dip the edge of the card into the paint and stamp it on their paper to create the hair.

What I love the most about this project, is that the students all receive the same instruction, but each monster that is created has such unique personalities.  LOVE IT!

Student Examples:

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