Friday, November 11, 2022

Black Cat White Cat

 First Grade Art Lesson

2 Class Periods

45 minutes per class

Black Cat White Cat, First Grade Art Lesson


12 x 18-inch white paper

12 x 9-inch black construction paper





Black Sharpie

Silver Sharpie or White Colored Pencil

Day 1:

To begin this lesson, I have students listen to the story Black Cat White Cat by Silvia Borando.  After the story, we discuss the concepts of contrast and talk about how contrast is used int he story.  I even relate the idea of contrast to how baby toys are designed because it easier for babies to focus on things with high contrast.  Once our discussion is over we set to work on creating our own black and white cat composition inspired by Silvia Borando's book.

Students are given 12 x 18-inch white paper, 12x 9-inch black paper, a pencil, eraser, glue stick and scissors.  I inform student that there will be no scraps for this lesson.  We will use every single piece of paper that we cut.

Step 1: Use follow along instruction to have students draw a cat head on the black construction paper.  I use a white colored pencil so students can see better on my paper when I demonstrate.

Step 2: Draw a second head behind the first head.  Make sure you leave space between the two heads.  If it is too close it is hard for students to cut out.

Step 3: Have students carefully cut on the lines they drew.  Remind them that there will be no scraps.  Carefully save all the pieces.

Step 4: Carefully glue the large black cat head to the white paper.  Make sure white paper is horizontal.  Demonstrate to students how to line up the black edge of the paper to the white edge of the paper.  During this step we also discuss the idea of positive and negative space.  Our negative space turns into our white cat once we glue our paper down.

Step 5: Now glue the black cat piece on.  Remind students to center it to leave white areas around the black cat.

Step 6:  On remaining black paper have students draw 3 to 4 hills.  More than this is too hard for students to cut.

Step 7: Carefully cut on the line.  Remember not to crumple any scraps.

Step 8:  Glue the small black strip to the top of the paper to form a white cloud on the white cat side.  Line up the edges of the paper when gluing.

Step 9: Glue the remaining black piece of paper to line up with the negative cloud shape on the black cat side.  Have students write name on back and collect.

Day 2:

Review with student the topics discussed during the previous art class. Contrast, negative space, and  positive space.  There is a nice YouTube clip on explaining contrast in art that you may find helpful sharing with students. Contrast

After I pass out the projects, I give students a black and silver sharpie.  You could also use a white colored pencil.  I use follow along demonstration to show students how to add details to each cat face.  

Cat face details.

After face details are drawn, we discuss pattern and design.  Students are shown several examples of different patterns.  You could even have students come up the board and share some of their ideas.  Remind students to fill up the space and not scribble.  On the black construction paper designs should be drawn with either a silver sharpie or a white colored pencil.  On the white paper, use a black sharpie or a black marker to draw designs.

Examples of Students Work:

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