Monday, December 23, 2019

Irregular Polygons

Third Grade Art Lesson
3 Class Periods
Irregular Polygons, Third Grade Art Lesson

Lesson Introduction: 
Artist Frank Stella.
For this lesson we discussed artist Frank Stella.  Frank Stella was born in Massachusetts on May 12, 1936.  He is still alive today and lives in New York.  He is known for his paintings, printmaking and sculptures.  He works with simplified abstract design.  The pieces that we looked at in great detail for this lesson are his irregular polygon compositions.
A photograph of myself next to a Frank Stella Irregular Polygon at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Day 1:
We began this lesson by discussing the difference between a polygon and an irregular polygon shape.  Students were instructed that they would be combing 4 to 5 polygons to create their very own irregular polygon shape.  Students used rulers, protractor and compasses to help them with this task.  CRAFTSMANSHIP was highly stressed.  Part of the reason Stella's artwork is so fascinating is due to his crisp clean lines in his masterpieces.

Once compositions were drawn out, small striping details were placed within the shapes using a ruler to build interest.  This can be over done, so advise cautious to students when they start incorporating these details.

Pieces were then carefully outlined with a sharpie marker.

Day 2:
On the second day of this lesson, students use colored pencils to color in their irregular polygons.  Students are shown how to overlap colors to deepen the hue.  Tips on blending are also introduced.  Once again craftsmanship is stressed.

Day 3:
Using a scissors, students cut out their irregular polygons.  I have them do a close bubble cut around the shape.  The piece is then glued to a black piece of construction paper.  I have students bubble cut once again around the composition.  If students need to finish coloring, they continue to do so after cutting and gluing.  All pieces are labeled with name on the back and then handed in.

Student Examples:

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