Monday, December 23, 2019

Surreal Rooms Inspired by Magritte

5th Grade Art Lesson
3 to 4 days

Surreal Rooms Inspired by Magritte, Fifth Grade Art Lesson

About the Artist:
Artist Rene Magritte.
Rene Magritte was born November 21, 1898 in Belgium.  He died August 15th, 1967.  He was only 68 years old.  He best know for his Surreal paintings that are often described as strange and dream-like.

Personal Values by Rene Magritte. 
Inspiration for our art lesson.

Day 1:
On the first day of this lesson, students watch a short YouTube clip on the life and work of artist Rene Magritte.  After the video we discussed the idea of Surrealism and how the artist used it within his artwork.

After the video, we began the process of creating a room using 1-point perspective.  On a 12 x 12 inch piece of paper, I have students begin by tracing a square template that I created out of cardboard in the center of their paper.  After the square is in place, students used a ruler to draw a line from the corner of each square to the corner of the paper.

We begin the back wall first.  I have students use their rulers and imagination to start placing doors, windows, fireplaces, etc. on the back wall.
Student working on the back wall of their composition.
Day 2:
On the second day of this lesson I have students draw very lightly a vanishing point on the back wall.  I used the class period to demonstrate how to create windows and doors on the side walls using the vanishing point.  After allowing students to try this on their own for part of class, I demonstrate some different options for floor and ceiling, such as how to create tile or hard wood floors.
Student working on drawing floor of their composition.

Day 3:
Students use this class period to finish adding any windows, doors, etc.  Everything is then outlined with a sharpie marker.  Students then use crayons, markers and colored pencils to color in their compositions.  I also allow students to use rubbing plates to create different surface textures.  CRAFTSMANSHIP is heavily stressed.

Day 4:
Discussion of surrealism is reviewed.  Students are given numerous magazines to cut from.  They are encouraged to find images that will make their pieces have a surrealistic feel.  I stress that the images should try to tell some type of story.  They should not just be randomly glued on.  Emphasis is placed on careful cutting and placement of the images.

Examples of Student Work:

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