Thursday, March 19, 2020

Art Prompt 2

Today I would like you to try and create a silhouette painting. A silhouette is an image of a person, an animal, an object or a scene that is represented as a solid shape in one color (usually black).
Step 1: Find some paper. Paint the whole paper to look like a sunset or a sunrise. Use warm colors. Think about how these colors blend into one another as you use them.
Step 2: Allow paper to dry. As it dries start thinking about what kind of silhouette you would like to create in the foreground of your sunrise or sunset. Will it be a tree? A dinosaur? A cityscape? A field of flowers?
Step 3: When paper is dry, lightly draw with pencil your silhouette idea.
Step 4: Using a black marker to color in your silhouette.
I have a few examples attached to this post that I found on online. If you don't have paints, use crayons or colored pencils. BE CREATIVE!
Although these posts are geared towards my K-6 students, I hope you know that I encourage all who want to participate to do matter your age!
Sending you a virtual hug! Love, Mrs. Cornell

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