Thursday, April 30, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 30

I don't know about you guys, but I am having a tough time keeping track of the days of the week this week.  Today is Thursday, already!  I might have slept through Tuesday and Wednesday.  YIKES!  Cold, rainy weather gives me the case of the couch blanket snuggles.  Luckily today looks like it is going to be gorgeous!

For our art lesson we will be reviewing complementary color schemes.  Complementary colors are opposite colors on the color wheel.   When these colors are placed next to each other they tend to enhance the hue, causing these colors to pop out.  Can you name the complementary colors?

1.  Red and Green
2.  Blue and Orange
3.  Yellow and Violet

For this lesson you will be picking one set of complementary colors to use.  I used red and green for my project today.

Supplies Needed:  paper, pencil, eraser, markers or crayons, black marker

I have attached photos to help with the steps, but please read through the directions for additional instruction.

Step 1:  Trace your hand several times on your paper.  Because my hands are large and I was using a smaller piece of paper, I was only able to trace my hand 2 times.  I hope you are able to trace your own hand more than this on your masterpiece.  Think about the space you are using on your paper.

Step 2:  After your hands are in place on your paper, add lines to create stripes on each hand.

Step 3:  Outline each hand and stripes with a black marker.

Step 4:  Using one of the complementary choices (red and green or blue and orange or violet and yellow) color every other stripe on the hands.  For my example I am using red and green.  I decided to use red to color every other stripe on my hand.

Step 5:  Add tiny circles to the background of the composition.

Step 6:  Turn the circles into mini targets.  You decide how many. you want to make and how large you want them to be.  Notice that I made some look like they were underneath the hands I drew.

Step 7:  Outline the targets with a black marker.

Step 8:  Using the opposite complementary color (since I used red, my opposite would be green) color every other stripe in the target.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 29

Good morning artists!  Today will be painting a whimsical tree.  Whimsical is another work for fancy or slightly odd.  When we are done creating our painting, hopefully you will be able to identify what makes our tree whimsical. Think about this as you create your masterpiece today.

Supplies:  paper, brushes, watercolor paints

I have posted photos to help with the steps, but please read through the directions for further instruction.

Step 1:  Near the top of your paper, paint a yellow circle for the sun.

Step 2:  Paint an orange ring around the yellow circle.

Step 3:  Now paint a red ring around the orange ring.
Step 4:  Paint a purple ring next.

Step 5:  Paint a blue ring around the purple ring.
Step 6:  Add a green ring.

Step 7: Keep repeating the colors (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green) until all the space is filled on your paper.  You should have a sky that looks like a beautiful rainbow.

Step 8:  Start at the bottom of your paper, paint the beginning structure of a capital letter "A."  The peak the "A" should be near the middle of your paper.

Step 9:  Fill in the space with black paint.  This will become the trunk of your tree.

Step 10:  Paint two lines to create the letter "Y."  Add a swirl to the ends of the lines.

Step 11:  Add 2 more lines to create branches on the side of the tree.  Don't forget to make the ends of the branches curl into swirls.
Step 12:  Add smaller branches where you see fit on your tree.  Have each branch end in a swirly line.
Step 13:  This step is optional.  If you would like to create the illusion of wind, add some lines and dots to your sky.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 28

Good morning!   Today we will be creating an accordion fold to make a bear.  This technique will make our bear pop out and become 3-D.

Supplies Needed:  paper (I used a 9x6 inch piece), pencil, scissors, glue sticks, and a black marker.

I have posted photos of each of the steps, but remember to read through the directions for additional instructions.

Step 1:  Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.  I am using a piece of paper that is 9inches x 6 inches.  If you use a bigger piece of paper that is ok.  You will just have a longer accordion fold.
Step 2:  Cut on the fold line.

Step 3:  On one of the stripes create a small square by folding the paper up.
Step 4:  Flip paper over and create another square by folding.  You want the squares to be similar in size.

Step 5:  Keep repeating steps 3 and 4 until you have no more paper to fold.  This is called an accordion fold.  When you pull the paper gently apart it should remind you of an accordion.

Step 6:  Using your accordion square as a guide, measure and create a square on the 2nd half of your paper.

Step 7:  Cut the square out.

Step 8:  Using your scissors, cut the corners off your square to make a circle.  This will be your bear's head.

Step 9:  Using the remainder of the 2nd strip of paper, divide it into 5 rectangles.   If you are using a larger piece of paper than I did for this lesson, you may have a bit of left over paper after you draw out 5 rectangles.  These rectangles will become the legs and ears for your bear.

Step 10:  Cut the rectangles apart.

Step 11:  On 4 of the rectangles, round off the top 2 corners using your scissors.  These will become the legs for your bear.

Step 12:  Add little lines to makes claws on the 4 rectangles.

Step 13:  Glue 2 of the rectangles to the bottom of your accordion fold.

Step 14:  Glue the other 2 rectangles to the top of the accordion fold.

Step 15:  Now it is time to make the ears.  Fold your last rectangle in half.

Step 16:  Round off the top 2 corners with our scissors.

Step 17:  Glue these to the circle to make ears.

Step 18:  Add details with a black marker to make a face.

Step 19:  Glue the face to the top of the accordion fold.

Now that you know how to make an accordion fold, what other kind of animals could you make using this technique?  A cat?  A dog?  A zebra?   Be creative!  Feel free to share with me any ideas you come up with.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 27

Hoppy Monday Cameron Artists!  Today we will be learning how to draw a frog.
Supplies Needed:  paper, pencil, eraser and medium of your choice (crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.)

I have posted photos to aid with the steps, but please read the directions for further instructions or creative choices.

Step 1:  Draw an oval near the top your paper.  This will be the head of your frog.
Step 2:  Add 2 arc shapes to the top of the oval.
Step 3:  Erase the lines between the oval and the each arc.
Step 4:  Add 2 ovals to create the eyes.
Step 5:  Add 2 smaller ovals to create the pupils.  Give your frog a mouth.
Step 6:  Add a large "U" shape to create the body of your frog.
Step 7:  Add a smaller "U" shape to make a belly for your frog.
Step 8:  Make a curve line from the middle of the frog's body and have it form a point at the base of the frog.  Think of half of heart shape.
Step 9:  Give our frog some back feet.
Step 10:  Add the front legs and feet.
Step 11:  Add details to your drawing.  Is your frog sitting on the road?  Is he hanging out on a Lilly pad?  Will there be flies buzzing around his head?  Will you have him sticking out his tongue?  Will he be wearing clothes?  So many choices and it is all up to you!
Step 12:  Color using a medium of your choice.  I used crayons to color my composition.