Monday, April 6, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 14

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to be using a our creativity to create architecture using shapes cut from newspaper. Architecture is a general term to describe a building. What type of building will you make today? In my example I made a castle, but you can make a house, a restaurant, a school or even a whole city or neighborhood! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I have posted some photos below with general guidelines to complete this project. Please read the directions listed below for more detailed instructions.
Supplies Needed: newspaper, a piece of paper, scissors, glue, black marker
Step 1: I like to take a few minutes to think about what I want to create before I start cutting out shapes. This way I can think about some of the shapes I may need to create my idea. Once you have your idea, start cutting out different shapes from the newspaper. Squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, etc. Make a range of different sizes so you have a few to pick from once you start creating.
Step 2: On a plain piece of paper, lay out the pieces you cut out of the newspaper. Play around with the layout of these shapes until you figure out how to create what you want. Did more shapes or a different size? Feel free to cut out more shapes from the newspaper or cut down some of the shapes you already have. BE CREATIVE! This lesson is all about what can you come up with.
Step 3: Once you have decided on the layout you like best, glue your shapes in place.
Step 4: Use a black marker to add additional details to make your creation complete. Are there windows? Doors? Signs on your building? What does the area look like around your building or buildings? These details are key! I can't wait to see all of the cool things you come up with today.

Have a fantastic Monday! I hope you are all hanging in there.
Big hugs,
Mrs. Cornell

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