We have a bit of rain this morning, so I found it fitting to make a rainy day picture. I think the forecast for this afternoon is to be nice and sunny, hopefully after you are done creating you can get outside for a bit and enjoy stomping through some puddles. ![](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/teb/2/16/1f642.png)
I have posted the photos below to help you, but please make sure to read through the directions for extra details or creative choice options.
Supplies Needed: paper, pencil, eraser, crayons, watercolor paints, and a brush.
Step 1: Draw an arc near the top your paper. Notice how this arc stretches acoss from one edge of your paper to the other. This will be the top of the umbrella.
Step 2: Draw a scallop line to connect the arc. This will be the bottom of the umbrella.
Step 3: Draw 2 lines starting at the bottom of the umbrella. These lines should have a bit of slant as you near the bottom of your paper. Connect the lines with a horizontal line. This will be the raincoat for your person.
Step 4: Add 2 legs coming form the bottom of the raincoat.
Step 5: Draw shoes or boots attached to the legs.
Step 6: Draw a curved line inside the raincoat to make the arm for your person.
Step 7: Add a mitten and an umbrella handle.
Step 8: Add buttons and a pocket to the raincoat. Using curved lines divide the space within the umbrella.
Step 9: Using a white crayon create rings that go around the boots. See finished example for help. Press hard with the crayon. We are trying to create a resist.
Step 10: Using a white crayon add dashed lines to create raindrops. See finished example for help. Once again make sure you pressing hard. How many raindrops will you have in your picture? Just a few as if it is just starting to sprinkle or lots of raindrops to make a downpour.
Step 11: Using crayons, add a rainbow to your background if you wish. Do you know the order of the colors of the rainbow? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet.
Step 12: Using blue, violet and black watercolors, paint the background. I like to mix blue, violet and black in my sky to make it look dark and stormy. I kept the puddles near the bottom of my paper just blue.
Step 13: Continue painting the rest of your picture using colors of your choice.
Step 14: Once dry, outline with a black marker to pop out lines that are hard to see. If you don't have black marker a black crayon could work, too.
Step 15: Add designs or patterns to your umbrella if you so wish.
Good luck finding those rainbows this afternoon.
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