Monday, April 27, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 27

Hoppy Monday Cameron Artists!  Today we will be learning how to draw a frog.
Supplies Needed:  paper, pencil, eraser and medium of your choice (crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.)

I have posted photos to aid with the steps, but please read the directions for further instructions or creative choices.

Step 1:  Draw an oval near the top your paper.  This will be the head of your frog.
Step 2:  Add 2 arc shapes to the top of the oval.
Step 3:  Erase the lines between the oval and the each arc.
Step 4:  Add 2 ovals to create the eyes.
Step 5:  Add 2 smaller ovals to create the pupils.  Give your frog a mouth.
Step 6:  Add a large "U" shape to create the body of your frog.
Step 7:  Add a smaller "U" shape to make a belly for your frog.
Step 8:  Make a curve line from the middle of the frog's body and have it form a point at the base of the frog.  Think of half of heart shape.
Step 9:  Give our frog some back feet.
Step 10:  Add the front legs and feet.
Step 11:  Add details to your drawing.  Is your frog sitting on the road?  Is he hanging out on a Lilly pad?  Will there be flies buzzing around his head?  Will you have him sticking out his tongue?  Will he be wearing clothes?  So many choices and it is all up to you!
Step 12:  Color using a medium of your choice.  I used crayons to color my composition.

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