Friday, May 1, 2020

Crazy Busy Art Room Art Prompt 31

Happy May Day!  May Day is an ancient festival that celebrates Spring.  Many people celebrate by dancing (sometimes around a May Pole), singing, leaving May baskets filled with flowers on doorsteps and eating cake.  This all sounds like an awesome way to spend a day.

Today we will be creating a flower painting.  After we are done, if you would like to surprise someone with your painting, you can give it to them as a May Day gift.
I have posted photos to help you with the directions.  I do encourage you to read through all the steps listed below for extra instructions or creativity choices.  PLEASE make sure to read Step 3.

Supplies Needed:  paper, watercolor paints, brushes, black marker

Step 1:  Paint long blades of grass at the bottom of your paper.  You can use different shades of green or you can add some yellow to your green to make it lighter.

Step 2:  Using colors of your choice, paint splotches of color in the sky area.  These will eventually become your flowers.  The more splotches you paint, the more flowers you will have in your picture.
Step 3:  WARNING!  Before doing this step make sure you have some newspaper under your artwork or take your artwork outside for this step.  Remember, we want to keep our parents happy, so make sure you think about how to do this step before taking action.  When you are ready, splatter your paper with random colors of paint.  YES!  I said SPLATTER!    Have fun with this.
Step 4:  Let your paper dry.  As you wait for your paper to dry you can clean up the area where you splattered your paint.  Once the paper is dry, take a black marker and create flowers for the color splotches.  Draw centers, add petals.  What kinds of flowers will you make?  Will the petals be round or pointy?  Will they be thick or thin?  Will your flower have just a few petals or many?
Step 5:  Add more flowers or insect details with a  black marker in the grass or sky.  Will you have a bumble bee flying around?  Will there be a caterpillar climbing on a blade of grass?  Will you add a sun and clouds?

Happy May Day!

Thinking of you all.

Mrs. Cornell

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